On our travels to Colorado Springs in July we visited the Garden of the Gods. Beautiful pathways through these rustic orange rock formations. There was a large crowd at the visitor center to visit this attraction and we decided to just drive through and see where we could hike. Rock climbers were also visible climbing these magnificent rocks.
Pikes Peak was quite an amazing trip with a windy road with very few guardrails on the way up reminding me of my travel to Hemkunt Sahib in the Himalaya Mountains in India. I must admit I had to closed my eyes at times to not look over at the tremendous distance below the edge of the cliffs. Though once at the top the view was so amazing that is was well worth the drive. However everything they said about how the elevation of over 14,000 ft. might affect you I did experience. When we were in the visitor center both of us started to feel dizzy. Not enough oxygen with all the people in there. Also, when I decide to walk up the ramp to the overlook my heart started to really beat rapidly.

Our next stop was Denver where we stopped at the Natural Garden Center before checking into our Airbnb. It was a refreshing stop after our drive and we enjoyed a yummy lunch at their cafe and explored many of the exhibits which the tropical gardens were one of my favorite.